Monday, August 22, 2011


Before I finish recapping our beach vacation, I am excited to share with you about an upcoming event.  As some of you may know, in October 2009, my stepbrother Will was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer which primarily affects adolescents.  Through a difficult journey which included 14 rounds of chemotherapy and an extensive surgery, I am happy to report that Will currently shows no evidence of cancer!

You can read more about Will's journey here.  (The website asks you to register which was a requirement of keeping the site private, but your email address should not be used for any other purpose).

To honor Will and help raise funds for children's cancer research, I am participating in the Birmingham CureSearch Walk on October 22 at The Campus Green at UAB.  I was able to participate in the Dallas CureSearch Walk in 2010 and was excited to learn that CureSearch was planning its first ever event in Birmingham this year!

Our family at the 2010 DFW Walk 

Will & I 

Being a little goofy... 

These are the reasons we walk!
Will at the 2011 DFW walk
The green bandanas you see in most of the pictures are used at every CureSearch walk - different shades of green represent the different reasons for walking - you can walk in memory of a loved one, in honor of a survivor, in honor of someone in treatment, or as a corporate friend.  It is neat to see the different teams and learn about the people they are supporting.

So, I also need YOUR help!  If you are in the Birmingham area, I would love if you would consider walking the race with me - it is a very short walk (I'll have to ask about the exact length).  You can join the Will to Win team at the following site:

If you are not in the Birmingham area or are unable to make the walk, you can still become a virtual walker - you would be included on our team and would have your own personal page where you can raise donations.  Otherwise, you are able to make either a general team donation or donate on my personal page:

Lyndsay's CureSearch Page

I am also on the planning committee, so if there are any in-kind donations you would like to make for walk day (water, food, speaker rental, entertainment, etc) or if you would like any additional information, please email me at

Thanks for your support!

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